Mercoledi 14 Febbraio 2024 – Valentine Day con Ray Gelato & the Giants – Jazz Club Blue Note Milano


Valentine Day with Ray Gelato & The Giants

An infectious, spectacular, irresistible mixture that has made the fortune of the English saxophonist and singer, who has long been much loved, not only in his homeland, for his friendliness and verve, as well as for impeccable musical performances.

More than anyone else, Ray Gelato is the one who has successfully rediscovered the more disenchanted spirit of much of the music in vogue in the 1940s and 1950s: especially live, he and his band draw the audience into a kind of collective ritual of the healthiest and most invigorating fun. This is also thanks to influences and songs ranging from Nat King Cole to Frank Sinatra, from Cole Porter to Louis Prima, from Sammy Davis Jr. to Louis Jordan, without forgetting milestones of the Italian tradition, especially Neapolitan. In Ray Gelato’s style and aesthetics, references to Buscaglione, Carosone, Rabagliati and Natalino Otto are indeed very clear.

Ray and his Giants play a mixture of swing, jazz and R&B that are unmistakably the band’s own style. This, combined with Ray’s fun and original songs, makes for an unforgettable evening that will leave you wanting more!


Cost (members ACE):

  • full: 45 €
  • reduced (over 65): 35 €

(including transport to and from Milan, departure Ispra h. 17:30)


Before the concert there is time for dinner at Bluenote.


Please book before 17 January 2024



Wednesday 14 Feb 2024




full: 45 €, reduced (over 65): 35 €


Blue Note Milano Jazz Club & Restaurant


Blue Note Milano Jazz Club & Restaurant
Via Pietro Borsieri, 37, 20159 Milano MI
Sector Events, Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)


Sector Events, Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
+39 0332 78 9764
QR Code

L’Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) APS è sorta nel 1962, con la denominazione di Comitato Culturale, per volontà della direzione dell’amministrazione del JRC di Ispra. L’Associazione da oltre sessant’anni svolge la sua attività di promozione della cultura in una declinazione a tutto tondo. Istituita per organizzare e gestire attività culturali del personale del Centro Comune di Ricerca (JRC), sito di Ispra, e quindi delle loro famiglie e dei pensionati, in una cornice europea, favorendo anche l’integrazione con il territorio, ha accompagnato la crescita e l’evoluzione del JRC

L'Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) è registrata al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) dal 15 dicembre 2022

Becoming an ACE Member 2024?

From the 1st December 2023 , it is possible to register online for the ACE membership 2024 (35 Euro)

From 1st December 2023, it is also possible to pay the ACE membership fee 2024 (35 Euro) in cash at ACE Library (Each Monday and Thursday morning)

Contact us
Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 21027 ISPRA(VA)
Tel: 0332 78 9764
Monday and Thursday morning 9-12:30