Sabato 24 Febbraio alle ore 21:00 – OPEN with the Spellbound Contemporary Ballet – Teatro Arcimboldi Milano
The Spellbound Contemporary Ballet
Directed and choreographed by Daniel Ezralow
Teatro Arcimboldi, Milan
Open is back: written by Daniel Ezralow with his wife Arabella Holzbog, an exciting patchwork of small stories that, through a fun and generous dance, wink at the spectator with effect numbers, multimedia, irony and humour, in the name of pure entertainment.
“An antidote to the complication of life”, as Ezralow himself declares. A spectacular hymn to creative freedom, to the cycle of life and to the revival of the hits he created, aimed at transporting the audience to a new dimension where humour and intensity give life to an explosive mixture of extraordinary creative imagination and scenic emotion.