Sabato 4 Maggio 2024 – Exhibition Paul Cézanne & Auguste Renoir – Palazzo Reale, Milano


Visit to the Exhibition

Paul Cézanne & Auguste Renoir


Major exhibition dedicated to Paul Cézanne and Auguste Renoir – From the Collections of the Musée d’Orsay and the Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris

  • 10:00 Departure by coach from JRC Ispra
  • 12:00 Guided tour exhibition in English and Italian (2 groups – min. 15 people each group required)
  • 13:30 Free time for lunch and individual sightseeing in Milan
  • 16:30 Departure from Milan
Cost (ACE members): 20 €
(including entrance fee, guided tour, transport to and from Milan)

Please book before 06/04/2024

Paul Cézanne and Auguste Renoir established themselves as two great masters of French painting in the last quarter of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. From the Impressionism of their beginnings to their maturity, the two artists never ceased to trace a singular trajectory, expressing themselves in different styles, rigour and geometry for Cézanne and rounded harmony for Renoir, with nevertheless many points of convergence: landscapes, still lifes, portraits, nudes up to the great late bathers constitute common fields of experimentation for the two painters.
The 38 works by these two artists conserved at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris and brought together by the art dealer Paul Guillaume (1891-1934) and his wife Domenica, form the heart of this exhibition. This corpus provides an overview covering a large part of the two painters’ career, from the 1870s until their death. The selection of works in the exhibition is completed by additions from the Musée d’Orsay collection and three modern paintings by Picasso and Kees Van Dongen from the Musée de l’Orangerie.


Saturday 04 May 2024




20 €


Palazzo Reale Milano


Palazzo Reale Milano
Piazza del Duomo, 12 Milano
Sector Events, Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)


Sector Events, Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
+39 0332 78 9764
QR Code

L’Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) APS è sorta nel 1962, con la denominazione di Comitato Culturale, per volontà della direzione dell’amministrazione del JRC di Ispra. L’Associazione da oltre sessant’anni svolge la sua attività di promozione della cultura in una declinazione a tutto tondo. Istituita per organizzare e gestire attività culturali del personale del Centro Comune di Ricerca (JRC), sito di Ispra, e quindi delle loro famiglie e dei pensionati, in una cornice europea, favorendo anche l’integrazione con il territorio, ha accompagnato la crescita e l’evoluzione del JRC

L'Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) è registrata al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) dal 15 dicembre 2022

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From 1st December 2023, it is also possible to pay the ACE membership fee 2024 (35 Euro) in cash at ACE Library (Each Monday and Thursday morning)

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Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 21027 ISPRA(VA)
Tel: 0332 78 9764
Monday and Thursday morning 9-12:30