12- 28 maggio 2023, Laveno Mombello – FESTIVAL DELLA MERAVIGLIA – Walks and Talks around the Poetry of the Possible

Who we are.

We are about 20 people, aged between 18 and 78, from different cultural backgrounds, living on the “lean shore” of Lake Maggiore.

What do we ask ourselves?

In a world where everything seems already said, already done, already seen; does Wonder still exist, and what is it good for?

What do we want to do?

We have thought rather big: in May we will invite sportsmen, artists, scientists, artisans, activists, teachers, and many others to talk about and interpret Wonder and the capacity to wonder as an existential need. They will do this within what we have called the Festival della Meraviglia, which is nothing less than an opportunity to lay a new and different gaze on the world, through talks, performances, exhibitions, and a variety of workshops and “face-to-face” meetings with experts and cultural professionals.

Let’s build it together!

Our intention is to create a great event of sharing inspirations and experiences where we put dialogue and encounter at the center of rediscovering our capacity to wonder. That is why we want the Festival events to be free; the entrance fee will be at most a question to the guests! But organization has its cost, and to make it possible we also ask for your help.

Program, guests and activities.

The program of what will be the first edition of the festival will take place over two weeks, from May 12 to 28, 2023. It will offer different kinds of activities: from workshops and meetings to seminars with prominent guests, from musical and theatrical performances to exhibitions and ad hoc installations. To date we have already collected the enthusiastic support of guests such as Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Michele De Lucchi, Fabio Minazzi, Teatro del Sole, Alan Belward, The Museum of Anthropocene Technology,… but thanks to your help we will be able to expand our programming!

The program will be made public early April at www.festivaldellameraviglia.org

The lean side of Lake Maggiore and how to get there (without polluting too much).

The first edition of the Festival della Meraviglia will be hosted by the splendid Laveno Mombello, with its magical position and spectacular views of  the Lake, islands, the Piedmontese hills and Swiss mountains.

The Municipality of Laveno Mombello is a point of convergence of public transport that connects it with Varese, Milan and the Piedmontese shore. For this reason, the Festival events will start at 10.00 and will end by 21.00, so that the public can arrive and return without the slightest effort and with reduced environmental impact. You have no excuse not to join us!

The locations of the Festival.

Villa De Angeli Frua – Via Roma 16, Laveno Mombello
Officine dell’Acqua – Viale G. Garibaldi 12, Laveno Mombello
Villa Perabò – Lungolago Perabò 5, Cerro di Laveno Mombello
Liceo V. Sereni – Via Labiena 86, Laveno Mombello
Scuola d’Infanzia L. Scotti – Via De Amicis 1, Laveno Mombello
The Museum of Anthropocene Technology – Via Leggiuno 32, Laveno Mombello


The network of the Festival.

Organized by 
– CASANOVA APS ETS (www.museocasanova.it),  Laveno Mombello
– Comune di Laveno Mombello
With the contribution of
– Associazione Culturale Europea, Ispra
Sponsered by
– Regione Lombardia
– Università dell’Insubria
Media partner 
– LIFEGATE, Milano
– Officine dell’Acqua APS , Laveno Mombello
– Circolo degli Artisiti di Varese, Varese
– CAST, Laveno Mombello
– Teatro del Sole, Caldana
– Legambiente, Valcuvia e Valli del Luinese
– Liceo V. Sereni, Laveno e Luino
– Scuola Media G.B. Monteggia, Laveno Mombello
– Scuola d’Infanzia L. Scotti, Laveno Mombello
– Casa di Cura Menotti Bessani, Laveno Mombello
– Centro Formazione Musicale, Barasso


Friday - Sunday 12 - 28 May 2023
Comune Laveno Mombello


Comune Laveno Mombello

Other Organizers

ACE-Associazione Culturale Europea
ACE-Associazione Culturale Europea
+39 0332 78 9764
329 5671074
QR Code

L’Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) APS è sorta nel 1962, con la denominazione di Comitato Culturale, per volontà della direzione dell’amministrazione del JRC di Ispra. L’Associazione da oltre sessant’anni svolge la sua attività di promozione della cultura in una declinazione a tutto tondo. Istituita per organizzare e gestire attività culturali del personale del Centro Comune di Ricerca (JRC), sito di Ispra, e quindi delle loro famiglie e dei pensionati, in una cornice europea, favorendo anche l’integrazione con il territorio, ha accompagnato la crescita e l’evoluzione del JRC

L'Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE) è registrata al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) dal 15 dicembre 2022

Becoming an ACE Member 2024?

From the 1st December 2023 , it is possible to register online for the ACE membership 2024 (35 Euro)

From 1st December 2023, it is also possible to pay the ACE membership fee 2024 (35 Euro) in cash at ACE Library (Each Monday and Thursday morning)

Contact us
Associazione Culturale Europea (ACE)
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 21027 ISPRA(VA)
Tel: 0332 78 9764
Monday and Thursday morning 9-12:30

PEC: as-culturale-europea@namirialpec.it